
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Way of The World

THE WAY OF THE WORLD One thing is for certain so much information has been put out about climate change that It is impossible to ignore it now. It doesn't matter what you, as an individual, think about who/what is to blame for it. What matters is the fact that it is real. Time to start doing something...

A New Hope

THE LONG GAME: Time isn't what makes us age. The slow breakdown of our chromosomes' abilities to replicate gets us. So as time goes on we must be evolving towards our life purposes. If we are not doing this we are wasting our lives. Yes I just finished doing 28 years in prison. However, I did not waste the time I was given the opportunity to learn through. I found the things that mean something to me.  Now I will pursue them.  My first post. Just something to get started with.