YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT TOUGH: So there I was, in a day room surrounded buy dudes that were high, drunk, or just fucking weird in the head 24/7. Everyone around me was highly unpredictable. Another time, all the time, another place, every place, and now it's hostile, control freak guards yelling at, and attempting to bully inmates. At all times, you get the noise. It is never quiet in prison. At any time a guard can stop you, wherever you are at, and strip search you. And at certain times they always do. You get to go to work for 12 hours and get paid zero. You can steal to hustle, or choose not to. Your cell can be shaken down at anytime buy any guard with a hard on for you. You get to move around at designated times. You go to chow, to work, to get clothes, to the showers, to the recreation yard, to the day room, to school. Learn from your environment. Mainly, you will learn on your own.. Count time--line up and present your ID card. All day, ...
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