
Showing posts from February, 2020


GET OUT OF THE WAY: The old despise the young and always seem to think the progress the young bring is the wrong kind of progress. People who perceive themselves as the owners of all things despise all those who would attempt to create new things. Ex cons are despised as the ungovernable. People who are genetically incapable of minding. Robots gone awry. Socially, morally and emotionally out of control. Different races claim to hate one another for different reasons until they come together for a common cause and then none of them can remember why they hate each other. The world is comprised of all types of cognitive dissonances. Very few are really above it all. These few steer the ship of our world through the ever present storm of human whim. These mentors and advocates force those stuck in the past to take the new generations and the outcasts seriously. They recognize talent, in whatever form it may present itself, for what it is. It ...

The Dark Times

THE DARK TIMES: When you are really fucked up. So fucked up you don't know who or what you are anymore. When you've done something that has scared people around you, close to you, away from you. The clouds will roll in. The sky will darken. And all the things of nightmares will descend from the darkness to visit you. They will come for you. All of those worst aspects of yourself. And all of the terrible things, and people, they attract. Your sanity will be assailed. Your mind will be bombarded. Noise will come from everywhere. The wails of the wounded. Being forced to relive what they have done everyday. Pills. Alcohol. weed. Speed. Something to slow down. Surrounded by those who've made themselves into their own demons. They hide from themselves in hazes. You will become one. Or... Pray to whatever god you wish. But there is a reason all of the old gods are dead--they never showed up. And there is a reason yours doesn't...


LABELS: Psychopath, sociopath, criminal, crook. Ex con... Murderer. Killer. Etc... Asshole, unfriendly. Impossible. Unheard of --the things you wish to do. Can't. Hated... You are the someone you have to be. Who are you really?? Those who claim to be so open minded and sincere seldom are. So they think you, like themselves, are full of shit.  Projections/reflections. Your task is to evolve through it all. Past it all... Progress is always there to be pursued. The future is always one second, one minute, one hour away... Not back, ahead. The future, your future, our future is in one direction--forward..
THE FACE: It is shadowed. Fearsome some might call it. But under other circumstances noble. Fatherly? To soft a label for it. Fanatical. Possibly--for the right cause. Tender? again to soft a word for the face that has seen so much. It reveals nothing. At times though it shows everything in the universe. Stoical?  Will from the eyes. It battles fate to secure destiny in its lines. Determination in set jaws.... The brow sticks out, kinda old school Neanderthal in there. Distrust-- Despair. Disappointment. Quick with these. It just knows what others are about. The masks of others don't work... A lot of incognito.  Not trying to attract attention... The teeth are imperfect. Kinda like a wild animal might have. The eyes don't always look at you for a reason--can see more about you when you think they aren't paying attention. Eyes everywhere and seeming to be nowhere. Affection? Outrage? ...


TOUGH: The Greek General/Philosopher Thucydides once said, " we should remember that one man is much the same as another and that he is best who is trained in the severest school." So you say you've had it hard in life?  A tough upbringing? Good for you. Those who have hard things to do must go through great misfortune and experience set backs. Misfortunes and discomforts of profound consequence are not fun. Yet if they have occurred in your life they have tought you something--resilience. They have made you tough. Maybe physically, maybe mentally, maybe both. As long as your battles haven't broken you, they have influenced you for a reason. They are signs along your path. They have explained to you, in explicit detail, that your mission in life is going to be a hard one. And you needed the hard training to be able to accomplish it. Push on. Specialized military units go through training that only a small percentage o...


IT MATTERS THAT YOU LIVE: Everything happens for a reason. Even the bad shit. So people get caught in earthquakes... Others get caught in floods... Fires... Hurricanes... And what does it mean... It doesn't matter what it means. All that matters is that you live. That you keep going. At any point in a human life a person can become something more.  I save you. You save someone else. And the chain goes on.  Eventually the world is saved... WE SAVE YOU SO THAT YOU CAN GO ON TO SAVE THE WORLD.


INDESTRUCTIBLE: Another mission... Data streams and algorithms call, send me. I'm alerted so I go. I key in on GPS way points and use visual overlays to get from point to point. Communicate when called to do so. I am coming to get you... Through a rain of lead... Through storm after storm... My systems will not fail. Wind and other things can knock me down--I always get up. Fires--what is fear?? Emotions are non-factors. Panic, I do not understand. Things fall down around me... So what. My mission is not my survival but yours... Over the course of many years the programming I was coded with should have ensured that I was a failed system. The programming was overridden... The focus has changed. The qualities are the same. Just as the qualities once demanded destruction, they now command the future of me to be better... What is better??? How about I show you... Pay attention.


CONVENTION: Upending the conventional wisdom.... Doing so doesn't have to be a huge international undertaking.... It just is ... And it starts with a feeling you have inside. Help yourself. Then teach others what to recognize in themselves so that they can, in turn, help themselves. Rescue is about you rescuing yourself first. It is about you overcoming your fears of you. Then you project that same philosophy onto others. 
STILLNESS: When we are sick we are still. During famine, we are still. Bombs, guns, wars, make us still. When hurt, we are still. Grasped by fear, we are still. Without hope, we are still. In death we are still. When a hunter hunts he/she is still... but the hunter awaits action... and we are all hunters of our own sorts of game. The adventurer is still before embarking on a new quest. Ships are still before they sail. Planes are still before they fly. An explorer is only still while planning. Soldiers are only still before the fight. A tiger is only still before it pounces. Visionaries sit still to see, then they go and do. Engineers plan in stillness, then they go and build. Are we alive or are we dead... Is the stillness for or against us... Or does it just speak to us... How many hints do we need before we listen to the stillness and DO???


YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT TOUGH: So there I was, in a day room surrounded buy dudes that were high, drunk, or just fucking weird in the head 24/7. Everyone around me was highly unpredictable. Another time, all the time, another place, every place, and now it's hostile, control freak guards yelling at, and attempting to bully inmates. At all times, you get the noise. It is never quiet in prison. At any time a guard can stop you, wherever you are at, and strip search you. And at certain times they always do. You get to go to work for 12 hours and get paid zero. You can steal to hustle, or choose not to. Your cell can be shaken down at anytime buy any guard with a hard on for you. You get to move around at designated times. You go to chow, to work, to get clothes, to the showers, to the recreation yard, to the day room, to school. Learn from your environment. Mainly, you will learn on your own.. Count time--line up and present your ID card. All day, ...


RESCUE ONE: Anyone, everyone, can be a hero. We all have our passions in life. Some are complex and complicated. Some are less so. What we are all individually passionate about doesn't matter. What matters is how we approach our life's focus.  Some people like animals and spend their time working with them.  Others like to help people less fortunate than themselves.  Computer people work with computers. Engineers do the work of building. Visionaries see our future, in many different realms, and show us how to get to them all. Police do police work.  Firefighters do their work. We all have our missions. And we get committed to them and rapped up in them in ways that don't give us time to stop and think about the world going on around us. As part of what each one of us does, as part of each one of our passions, what if we all took the time to rescue one thing in our spheres of influence each day? Do you think, lik...


AGAINST THE ODDS: And, so, the world burned. I could only listen and watch. The floods came.  Storms blew whole islands away. I was in a cell what could I do? As I sat alone, attempting to plot a new course for my life, and deal with the realities of the world I was in, I heard and I watched the world outside experience one catastrophe after another. For years I figured I would get out of prison and move into some role as a relief worker doing something at the end of the world that would satisfy me. The warrior always. Looking for a noble outlet for my determination. Then, upon reflection and research, I realized the the fight I was looking for was right here around me at home.  Natural disasters were becoming more harmful to the innocent than any band of bad guys. So my thinking pivoted.  I decided that a conservation/rescue approach was the best course for me to embark upon. So, against the odds, I transformed myself--better....


THE NEW WAY The only way a past, and all of it's aspects, survives is if we hang on to it. Every new day leaves the previous one behind. The past is dead, over. it has no remorse for you, have none for it. My past only differs from yours in the details. It is, otherwise, no different at all. And mine, like yours, no longer exists. It is only a phantom in a cluster of synapses. I, like you, do not focus on the past. We together focus on the future. The past is to be learned from, to be sprung off of. We experience, we learn, we progress. Our movement is a connection. A link in a network of individuals who want to help one another, our world, and build a more vibrant future together. We have a mission. We have a planet and species to save. We have other planets to populate.  Our future is rushing towards us. We need to rush, not tip toe, towards it. We no longer have time to cling to the past. every year technology advances. We do not. We must...