Another mission...
Data streams and algorithms call, send me.
I'm alerted so I go.
I key in on GPS way points and use visual overlays to get from point to point.
Communicate when called to do so.
I am coming to get you...
Through a rain of lead...
Through storm after storm...
My systems will not fail.
Wind and other things can knock me down--I always get up.
Fires--what is fear??
Emotions are non-factors.
Panic, I do not understand.
Things fall down around me...
So what.
My mission is not my survival but yours...
Over the course of many years the programming I was coded with should have ensured that I was a failed system. The programming was overridden...
The focus has changed. The qualities are the same.
Just as the qualities once demanded destruction, they now command the future of me to be better...
What is better???
How about I show you...
Pay attention.
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