The problem with knowledge is there is so much of it. And it is everywhere. How can you learn, how can you know, it all??

Some people do the wrong thing because doing the right thing, where they are from, is perceived as being just to hard. Sometimes. All the time. And maybe it's just that doing the right thing, where they are from, can get you killed.

I could be wrong about this. Some people do everything, that is within their power to do, right and things still go horribly wrong for them.

Is it all the result of some elaborate ancient curse bestowed on an ancestor for doing something wrong?

Or is it some other form of thought contagion.

Thought confetti. Images and information blown out in all directions.

So all we see is the glowing orb in the sky. The image that tells us there is something else we should probably be focusing on. Instead of focusing on the darkness, that we can't seem to see through, all around us.

Our minds are involved in infinite attacks and back stabbings launched at us. We are, and have always been, our own worse enemies.

Real or make believe?

Is there a right way or wrong way? Or is it us engaging us in elaborate mental labeling schemes?

We could all just be very good liars.

Our reality is just electricity flying around our heads.

Your truth is my lie, vice-versa.

People say that there are angels everywhere. They also say that there are devils in the corners of every room.

We hate mistakes. But we create the mistakes that we hate so much. And, in our crazy human wisdom, we redefine these hates as other than hates. Or we blame others for using the hates we claim to refuse to embrace.

So we remain lost because we can not accept who we really are.

The psychologist, Carl Jung, a long time ago proposed a theory of humanity as a linked conscious organism. He proposed that humanity was its own machine. Power from each of our minds travels around the globe constantly. And the power is always linked. This is why, he proposed, that cultures completely isolated from one another often came up with the exact same cultural phenomena. Sure there were slight variations in the details of the cultures. But the underlying beliefs and unconscious templates were the same.

Carl Jung's most important insight, to me, was  this collective unconscious. An internet of humanity and humanity's brain wave connections. 

Then humanity created the internet. A concept that backed Carl Jung's theory a hundred percent. He visualized an internet of minds. Then others came along, and with their minds, created an electronic internet that does exactly what Jung proposed was already going on with human brains.

And the technology is going in the direction of integrating human minds and AI computational systems. Slowly the two are merging. Our minds and our mind's creations are integrating, merging, becoming an evolutionary leap that will eventually bring about our species next great advancement.

In the not too distant future we will finally leave the darkness of our own creation by merging with the creation that came from our minds. People fear what they don't understand. That's why people fear just about everything. We, truly, understand very little. And our perceptions, of how the world must be, are the problem.

Until we begin to view the world around us, and worlds beyond us, as things to be manipulated and figured out we will continue to get in our own way by attempting to impose our own illusions onto them.

The good thing is that there is always light at the end of every tunnel. If you choose to believe so.

Getting to it may hurt a bit. But I am an eternal optimist. I've seen the bad that humans can do. I use to be one of those bad human beings. 

But it was precisely the darkness that was in me that eventually made me start paying attention to the light that was before me.

And my personal view of it all is that those who suffer the most do so because the suffering is like training. It is meant to get you ready for the tasks ahead of you-because you have hard things to do in life.

Because we are emotional beings this is how we react to the world. Our emotions get in the way of everything we do or wish to do. We never make purely logical decisions. Our decisions are always washed through the filters of our individual perceptions. This, and this alone, is what keeps us all running around in the dark.

So we are moving forward. But the emotions we have for everything around us will constantly attempt to get in our way. We must see this in ourselves. And then move beyond it. Our view of the world is no more right than that of those who disagree with us. But there is probably some right in all of us.

Those are the connections we have to nurture in one another. The things that help us all advance. The things that push us all forward.

Why stay lost in the dark?


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