Right now it is COVID-19. What will be humanity's next challenge? Should we even talk about things to come while we are still in the midst of the present crisis?

A decision not to panic. A decision to be mindful of events around us but not let the events overwhelm us.

Seeing positives where everyone else sees negatives.

A chance to grow. Not a time to wither.

When everyone else flees. 

Go forward.

Backward is only a temporary maneuver that gets us going forward again from a different direction.

Some of the storms we face are murderous ones full of bombs, bullets and human brutality. But until we are stopped by them we go on.

Lightening descends, winds blow, waters rise and consume, fires rage and obliterate. Into them we go.

Evil Empires rise. They build legacies on bones-the bones of the innocent. They hold our whole world in fear. Until we expend our own lives to stop them.

Our world is violent. The air attacks us. The land attacks us. The water attacks us. Fire attacks us. We attack us.

Where does it take us? Is there a purpose behind it all?

Our problems are our solutions in disguise. Every problem is just that; every problem is an opportunity, also.

We fail. We learn. We evolve. We move forward again and again until we win. Although winning my look nothing like we originally thought.

Every day we see new innovations for dealing with our present crisis. While many are scared and possessed with paranoia others are doing what little they can to fight back. And still more are using the lock down time to advance themselves and their relationships in positive directions.

Storms are always ugly. Storms are always loud. Storms are always intimidating. Storms always kill.

We are really good at dealing with storms. We are not so good at judging when to get to it. We are usually too slow when it comes to dealing with storms that affect us. And, in many cases, there are those among us that do not want the storms effectively dealt with. Death tolls rise. 

Glimmerings. Gatherings of heroes. The same spirit that has always stood stands again.

Because heroes wear many faces. They look different. They do different things. But they are always waiting. A lot of them don't even know they exist until it is time to do something. Then they just come online and know. Like a switch, at a particular time in their lives, has been tripped to ON.

The thing that unites all heroes is the desire to do something. To do something when everyone else is just struck dumb with fear, intimidation and indecision. When the thing that activates them happens, they just know that their journey has begun. Their own, personal, odyssey has been initiated.

What stands against storms?

A spirit. A form of consciousness. A deeper understanding. An understanding that may not be understood by those among us who posses it. A will to struggle against something that is a force of negative energy. A knowledge that although I may not survive the struggle against the evil it is better to fight than to hide. If I die, I will be back-to finish the fight at another time when I am, once again, needed. 

The body of the hero can die. The conscious energy that powers it can not. It goes back to the source and is re-downloaded into our system of life when it is needed again. Fear death for what?

Storms always come.

Those who stand against them are everlasting.

What stands against the storms of life?

Life. And its will to go on.


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